Support Us
Thank You & God Bless
Hey guys, before you give financially to support this ministry, we wanted to share our heart & mindset regarding giving…
- The Local Church – The first thing is that it’s important to give to your local church. We are not a church and we recognize that God established the local church as a primary vehicle for biblical worship and community. We know firsthand how difficult that labor can be for the pastors/elders and their families. In 1 Corinthians 9:7-18, Paul makes the case that those who preach the Gospel as a vocation are free to receive money in order to be faithful in their discharge of service in God’s kingdom. We understand the Bible to teach that the first place to give of your money to the Lord is in the church that you attend physically where you are being spiritually fed & shepherded under God’s Word.
- Our Purpose – As a parachurch ministry, we desire to come alongside the biblical church by Equipping the church and Engaging the Culture with Biblical Apologetics in 4 primary ways.
- Conferences & Seminars – We desire to help specific churches through training their people via church services, conferences or similar settings in their church building or facilities near them
- Training Spiritual Leaders – We have a strong desire to see God’s work multiplied. Ephesians 4 says that church leadership is to equip the saints for the work of ministry. One way that we can help in this process is by spending time teaching and preparing your pastors/ministry leaders specifically in biblical apologetics/evangelism so they can more effectively equip the people in your church.
- Schools – As we grow, and if God opens up the doors to do so, we desire to get into Christian and public schools to address issues like depression, suicide, sexuality, identity, purpose, value & morality. The Bible addresses these issues with clarity and relevance which gives us opportunities not only to minister to people in these areas of extreme importance but also to demonstrate that the Bible is true and reaches people at street level.
- Media – We believe that God desires ministry to be first and foremost face-to-face, person to person. We also recognize that He has given us certain tools that, if properly stewarded, give us the chance to minister to people in profound and powerful ways. While these ways should never replace or supersede in person church, discipleship & community, they can be a valuable means by which God spreads His truth & builds His kingdom!
- Serving God & Others – When you support us, you’re partnering with us to prepare and provide training, content and resources for the church and to engage the culture with truth & the Biblical Gospel. TruthPoint Apologetics is a vehicle for carrying out God’s calling in our lives and we desire to serve others with little or no financial cost to them.
- God’s Direction – God is so gracious and merciful! We are humbled that He saved us from our sin by grace through faith and He has seen fit to use us as His vessels for His honor and glory. We recognize that we don’t take up this ministry or the platforms it affords us of our own accord. Rather, in the course of reading God’s Word, praying, attending church, fellowship, serving God in various capacities and seeing the culture around us crumble, it is evident that He is the One who is establishing this small part of His kingdom work. Therefore, we seek His will for the opportunities, partnerships and provision for TruthPoint Apologetics and pray that He takes our five loaves and two fish and multiplies them as a means to glorify Himself and draw others close to Him!
- God’s Resources – God has entrusted us as stewards. Our people, time, content, influence, platforms, ministry, money and other resources are ultimately His and we are accountable to Him first. We are also accountable to those who support us and as such, we desire to be transparent. If you have questions about how we utilize the resources God has given us, you may reach out to us via email at
“May the True & Living God establish, enrich & use you in truth, holiness & evangelism! Because Truth Matters.” –Corry Pensabene
Please make checks payable to “TruthPoint Apologetics” so we can give you a tax-deductible receipt. Mail to:
TruthPoint Apologetics
795 W 1340 S
Provo, UT 84601
For general questions and comments, please use the contact form on our website. For donation related questions only, please email
Giving FAQs
TruthPoint Apologetics is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law- tax ID #87-3948993.
If you are donating to TruthPoint Apologetics from outside the United States, please check with your country’s tax law to see if a donation to a U.S. charity is tax-deductible for you.
Thank you so much for supporting God’s work through this ministry!
Yes, please contact your IRA plan administrator and request a Qualified Charitable Distribution be made out to Bible Thinker Inc. Ask them to include your name on the memo line or check stub if possible. Provide them with our tax ID #87-3948993 and our mailing address: PO Box , Provo, UT 84601. Please send an email to to let us know you are sending a Qualified Charitable Contribution and we will provide you with an acknowledgment letter by email and/or postal mail.
Yes, a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a way of giving that provides an immediate tax benefit to you, while providing you with the opportunity to direct funds toward the charity of your choice. Contact your financial institution, foundation, or fund manager to make a gift to TruthPoint Apologetics. Provide them with our tax ID # 87-3948993 and our mailing address: PO Box , Provo, UT 84601. Please send an email to to let us know you are sending a DAF donation and we will provide you with an acknowledgment by email.
Yes, we send tax-deductible receipts to all donors by the end of January. If we have an email address on file for you, your receipt will be emailed. If we also have a full U.S. physical mailing address on file for you, we will also send you a physical receipt. Donors outside the United States will receive emailed receipts. Please email if you need to update your email or mailing address. If you still have not received an emailed receipt by mid-February, please contact us. You may also need to check your spam folder.
We currently do NOT have a phone number, however, we plan to set one up as things move forward.